There are many different types of forms available. Some are disposable and are used from a roll. They have a sticky back that allows them to be held in place on the finger. Technicians have devised all sorts on inventive ways of shaping these to help produce the perfect nail. They are used for one nail and then discarded. They usually have a metallic finish of some description to reflect back the small amount of heat polymerisation produces and ensures that the under-surface of the free edge is fully cured. With uv cured materials, it is usually worth removing the form after curing and putting the finger back under the light with the palm of the hand upwards to make sure the underside is cured.
There are also an array of reusable forms of different shapes and sizes. Like many things in the art of applying artificial nails, the decision about which one to use is a matter of personal choice. The forms, both disposable and resusable, are not expensive, so it is worth trying out as many as possible to see which is preferred. It is also worth having several types, as some will fit a specific shape nail shape better than others and this will make the fitting of the form.